12 Things About Important Books To Reads Your Teachers Wouldn't Tell You
12 Things About Important Books To Reads Your Teachers
Wouldn't Tell You
Horace Greeley said. When I was in childhood. While do reading and reading was going to a room full of wood; Reading reading was going to the garden And to the neighbors were going reading there. My father was very poor and he needed my help in the garden during the day, but he's had a hard getting me to sleeping at night. I would wrap my books around me and read them long time at night. I became dumb and motionless head down and used to drinking the nectar of knowledge from books. From my mind, the world around me would become numb and the world in which my books were going to took me this world would only make me fall alive and awake.
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How many boys can say the as same as this
talk! How many men have found the greatest joy in the scriptures in times of
upliftment and in times of sorrow the books have relieved them of anxiety and
given them sweet happiness instead of sadness! To pull the poor out of the well
of poverty, to deliver the poor from their misery, to forget the burden lifter
on the bearer, to make sick men forget their pain, to make sorrowful men forget
their sorrows and the scriptures have
as much power to forget the destroyed as to make them aware of their plight There
is no other thing that has so much power. The scriptures are the friends of the
friendless, the companions of the lonely, the joy of the joyless, the hope of
the despairing, the consolation of the brokenhearted, and the shelter and
helper of the helpless homeless. Books give light in the dark and give sun in
the shadows.
6 Podcasts About Important Books To Reads
We can make books our best
friends even if we are poor, despised by society, and do not have the
opportunity to have sex with good men. Through them, we can live in palaces. We
can talk to the great king; We can be friends of dynasties By sitting the
greatest and best of the greatest men of all ages we can Conversation until we
are satisfied.
In this age, printing presses
enable you to buy copies of Gita, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Upanishads, Puranas,
etc. at a very low price; But if you take advantage of their inexhaustible
store of knowledge and How much would it cost if you put a price on your life
and the lives of those around you? These scriptures have shown the way to
thousands of people who have lost their way in life and no other scripture in
the world can take its place.
That scriptures that can
organize a young man into his life work are of great power. The encouragement
of just one text has produced many lecturers, poets, philosophers, librarians,
and diplomats. On the contrary, how many times a single unrighteous book has
made many people atheists, lustful, and guilty. Ociyan's poetry had a very
profound effect on Napoleon's life and he never tired of praising Homer. His
reading was very vast; He had read history, mathematics, Virgil and Tasso texts
and religious books, and law texts of all ages and countries.
Cotton Mather's 'Essay on Good Work that Frankil read in his childhood had
an effect on his whole life. It is for each man to read with a pen in hand and
to make a note of what he has read important Was recommended.
Will Important Books To Reads Ever Rule Change The World?
How many poor boys and girls who
have the idea that they don't get any kind of opportunity are motivated to do
good deeds by reading beautiful texts of writers like Smile, Todd, Matthews,
Manjar, Whipple, Giki, Thatcher, etc.!
The greatest benefit of books is not always from the fact that fact we
remember them trueness but the instruction from it is received by what we
receive. A good scripture or a good friend often awakens the secret power
within us. Reading books often stimulates great writers to think about
different topics. We often see our thoughts and our own feelings in books. In
fact, through books, we are learning to identify ourselves self. We are seeing
one of our limbs in Emerson's treatise and are seeing the other in
Shakespeare's or Kalidasa's treatise. One of our thoughts is found in the
scriptures of Valmiki or Homer while the other is found in the scriptures of
Shankara or Dante and this action continues till we know our full potential. Even
though our friends, we realize many of our beautiful organs. Many of our
awkward limbs are also known by our enemies. And the realization of our
scattered symptoms from the people and that is true, But the realization of our
most special organs is done to us calmly and impartially only through books. In
the books, our strengths and weaknesses, our vastness and shyness, our opinions
and tastes, our advantages and disadvantages, our compassion and inertia all
are clearly reflected. We build many of our opinions from our favorite books. The
author we especially choose is our greatest teacher. Because we see the world
through his eyes. These qualities of ours develop if we always read texts with
advanced thinking, pure style, strong argument, and subtle observation. On the
contrary, if we read the scriptures full of immorality, then the faults and
vices of those scriptures also enter into us. Just as we cannot be free from
the effects of the air we breathe, we cannot prevent the effects of our reading
from falling on us.
Why Everyone is Obsessed With Important Books to Reads
Hold strongly to education; Don't let go, because that's your life: -Solomon
`Books show us the way in youth and give us joy in old age. It shelters us in solitude and prevents our lives from becoming burdensome. ` -Jeremy Collier
If there are any true tools to bring human beings to the land of equality, they are only books. If there is any treasure that is open to all men, it is the library. –Langford
If the crowns of all the emperors are placed in front of my feet in return for my love of books and my reading, I will kick all those crowns!` -Fenelan
Interest in reading, which is an invincible friend of my childhood, even if someone gives me all the wealth of Hindustan, I will not give it up. –Gibbon
I currently have many friends and I love him, But I love reading more than them. –Pop
Some scriptures have done well as much as the world has done and still do; The way they keep our hope awake; Innovative awakens courage and faith; Soothes grief; Hard and hard-hearted families give ideal life to obedient human beings; Connects distant eras and countries with each other; I always thank God for giving me this gift when I think of all that creates new worlds of beauty and brings truths from heaven. -James Freeman Clark
The scriptures are the friends of the friendless men. - George H. Hillard
Why Important Books to Reads are the Secret Ingredient
By which texts that give us the
most encouragement and make us most determined to do something great and achieve
something great are the best books. The books that lead us to special pure
thought and practice are the best books. We should associate with people who
encourage us to do the best we can. We should read books that give us advanced
thinking and motivate us to take the most advantage of our strengths and
opportunities. Once you have read Valmiki, then you will find all the other
scriptures light-hearted; It will know seems to contain all the scriptures you
The mystic camel in the Arabian story did not hesitate to abandon the ornaments and jewels placed on his back, But
he had kept only one tub near himself in which all the secret treasures of the
whole world can be seen at a single glance by taking the medicine. Indeed, it
is no exaggeration to say that the pure mind eye gives us the immense substance
of the mental world for thought, all the treasures of the ancient kingdoms and
Of did not yet discover mines that give
the raw material. No external assets can be compared with it. Scriptures like
the Mahabharata and the Ramayana have rewarded human beings. The independence
and sovereignty of Ayodhya and Hastinapur have been destroyed for hundreds of
years; Its inhabitants have become destroyed and become cowardly slaves; His
language has become impure; Its temples have suffered from foreign invasions
and become victims, but Vyas and Valmiki's mental realm is immortal even today.
Sir William Waller said, In my classroom, to me only with assured given to
interact only with intelligent men; When outside, it becomes impossible to get
rid of the contagion of fools! Webster says that once achieved, do not lose is
the only glorious and privileged right of the Enlightenment. On the contrary;
it continues to grow by its own power, and all its sources remain its becoming
tools; All these achievements help in achieving new victories.
12 Things About Important Books To Reads Your Teachers Wouldn't Tell You
Emerson had made three rules of reading :
Don't read a book less than a year after its publication. Don't read any
book except excellent texts. Never read a book you don't like. You should
meditate and study a particular book or a particular subject in the same way
you mount the ax. You do not use an ax to get anything from the sharpener but
use to sharpen the edge of the ax; The facts read from the books are more
valuable than the particles emanating from the sharpener. That so, our brains
are more valuable than an ax.
If You Read One Article About Important Books To Reads Read This One
Bacon says that some texts are
just to take a taste. Some are to be swallowed and a few are to be swallowed by
Chewing; That is, some books have only a few parts to read, some are to be
read, but not eagerly, and a few are to be read whole with industry, attention,
and contemplation. Reading makes humans perfect. Conversation makes them ready.
Writing makes them accurate. That is why if a man writes a little he needs
great memory power; If he talks a little he needs a great presence answerer and
if he reads a little he needs great cunning to hide his ignorance. History
makes man wise. Poetry makes him funny. Mathematics makes him immersive.
Philosophy makes him deeply intelligent. Ethics makes it serious. Jurisprudence
and Metaphor make it powerful to debate. How much more liquid has been filled
in books. And how much progress can a poor boy or girl make in information,
knowledge, and intelligence with just a few pennies? Through the books, the
poorest of the poor boy can be immersed in the intellectual substance of Vyas,
Valmiki, Plato, and Socrates. The rag worker can play the part in the tragic
play "Helmet" with Shakespeare. Ordinary laborers can argue with
Plato. A laborer working in the account is the same as Arjuna and Caesar can go
behind him in his battles. Or did it all over the world behind Alexander can
going in climbs. The poorest artisan in the world could explore the forests of
Africa with Livingston and Stanley and go to the battlefields of Europe behind
Napoleon. The poorest of the poor boy Can enigmatic the area of the sky with
Galileo, Herschel, Proctor, and Miller; One can read the stories of many eras
hidden in the rocks and solve the mysteries of science with Thomson and Edison.
How Important Books To Reads Could Get You On The Today Show
Good scriptures enhance
character, purify interest, heal infatuation of mild pleasure, and Lifts us up,
and puts us on a higher role of thought and life.
After reading a book full of
excellent and advanced thoughts, immediately doesn't become to do mild work. The
man who reads for the sake of version or pleasure only has humor and sweetness
in his conversation. Every teenager should have the ambition to become
extraordinary famous in any one of the things to become extraordinary famous
for; One should assume the ambition of becoming the perfect master of a
particular task. Just as knowledge is not intellect so reading is not
knowledge. The knowledge that is being incorporated into human behavior and
becoming a part of it. Its only name is intelligence. And methodically and to
do think (meditate) in a subtle way doing so is the result it. Reading and
contemplation are the same brain exercises. The gymnast does not take any
exercise equipment from the exercise school, But the force that comes through
it only is taking it. The development of strength and intellect that comes from
reading any scripture was not as precious as what we remember from it. Just as
sitting in a gym does not develop the body, reading without a goal does not
develop also the mind. We should give the brain these exercises firmly and
Read whatever you read
enthusiastically. Read forcibly and thoroughly carefully if you want to develop
your brain; And learn to eclipse the spiritual and moral life in them and learn
to mix it into your life. A man who acquires special knowledge and inculcates
it in his character he is the best reader. Mechanical readers only memorize the
shell from words of the thing, But they do not digest the essence of it; they
fill their minds with a reading above but starve the mental powers. If you have
taken the most advantage of one of the books, you realize a workforce that you
have never experienced before. Just as a few artists, He fully knows of the
character of the person he is playing. In the same way, only a few readers know
the heart and soul of the writers.
The man who after the completion of the day's work attains peace and happiness by reading books, conversing with the intelligent men of the present and the past enjoys true happiness. Any pleasure and like the aforementioned intellectual pleasure and for the body and mind bored with work and hard work, there is no peace or no new workforce on earth. -Alexander Cockburn
Scripture is an excellent
companion. It comes with full enlightenment when you want it to, but it never
catches behind you. from Your neglect do not become angry. If you turn to other
kinds of pleasures, they silently serve you without taking revenge. It also
seems to enter in your memory from your own body. His soul flies into you and
takes over your brain. –Beacher
The texts are wonderful things.
Although they are tongueless and dumb, they control the world with their
eloquence power. They seem powerless and numb. Yet as in the forest fires again
they turn over the minds and hearts of men. It brings light to the brain and
acts as a star in the dark sky
When friends get cold and our relatives becoming weak and pale, the discipline falls only to show worldliness then only books would not forget the happy days of their next friendship such and such a happy face continues and that friendship never deceives the hopeful And never abandons unhappy people such true friendship makes showing us and make us happy. -Washington Evening
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